Dataset Tariffs to trade with the UK from 1 January 2021

Table 1: Measures in the UK Tariff from 1 January 2021

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Column descriptions
Column name Column description
id A unique identifier for this row. It is not consistent between versions of this dataset.
commodity__sid A unique identifier for the commodity code that this measure applies to. This can be used for debugging, or for importing measures into other systems.
commodity__code The 10-digit commodity code that this measure applies to. This is also called the TARIC code. This measure also applies to descendant commodity codes.
commodity__indent The indent of the commodity code that this measure applies to. This is used to generate the hierarchy of commodity codes, also called the "goods nomenclature".
commodity__description The English description of the commodity code that this measure applies to.
measure__sid A unique identifer for this measure. This can be used for debugging, or for importing measures into other systems.
measure__type__id An identifier for the type of this measure. This is often called the "measure type ID".
measure__type__description The English description for the type of this measure.
measure__additional_code__code The additional code of this measure, used to distinguish multiple commodities with the same commodity code. If there is no additional code, this is "#NA"
measure__additional_code__description The English description of the additional code. If there is no additional code, this is "#NA".
measure__duty_expression The duty expression of this measure.
measure__effective_start_date The effective start data of this measure. This takes into account the start date of related regulations.
measure__effective_end_date The effective end date of this measure. This takes into account the end date of related regulations. If there is no end date, this is"#NA".
measure__reduction_indicator The reduction indicator of this meausre. If there is no reduction indicator, this is "#NA".
measure__footnotes A pipe-separated list of the footnote identifiers associated with this measure.
measure__conditions A pipe-separated list of the measure conditions associated with this measure.
measure__geographical_area__sid A unique identifier for the geographical area that this measure applies to. This can be used for debugging, or for importing measures into other systems.
measure__geographical_area__id A unique identifier for the geographical area that this measure applies to. This is an ISO Alpha 2 country code in some cases.
measure__geographical_area__description The English description of the geographical area that this measure applies to.
measure__excluded_geographical_areas__ids A pipe-separated list of identifiers of child-areas of the geographical area that this measure does not apply to. The identifiers are ISO Alpha 2 country codes in some cases.
measure__excluded_geographical_areas__descriptions A pipe-separate list of English descriptions of child-areas of the geographical area that this measure does not apply to
measure__quota__order_number The quota order number associated with this measure. If there is no quota associated with this measure, this is "#NA".